Keeping up with physical fitness is hard. Yes it is. There's no doubt about it! And getting up the courage, confidence, drive, and determination to keep up with it is a chore.
Unfortunately, there's that silly Theory of Reversibility! That means that all the progress you make with working out and getting fit - can reverse through inactivity! Working out does not product permanent results (sorry!) - the results are only there as long as you keep up the activity. So if you work out 3-4 times a week for a month - you will see RESULTS! You will gain energy, endurance, maybe even lose a little weight, look stronger, notice more muscle or that the activity you are doing gets easier. However, if then after that month, you take a "break" from working out for a month, when you start back into it, you will be back where you started, before the beginning! You will have lost all the results of all the hard work you put in.
At Studio Fit, we hate to see this happen to our clients, yet we see it all the time. We see clients go gangbusters with their workouts for a month or two - then "disappear" for a month or two. Only to return to classes, and find themselves struggling to get through workouts they were doing with ease previously. The Theory of Reversibility - dang it!
Physical Fitness is something that must be nurtured day in and day out. Make sure that every week (barring unforeseen injury or illness) you are physically active. Schedule your workouts! We make time for grocery shopping, going to the doctor, getting our hair done, picking our kids up from school, taking them to their activities, going out with friends, coffee, etc. Some of those activities are actually for our own well being - but are most of them?
Keeping yourself physically fit is imperative for a healthy, long, lovely life! So why not make the time for it like we do for everything else? Set the 3-4 days a week you are going to work out. Add them to your schedule and add them to your family's schedule. Make an appointment for the workout. Whether it's signing up and in for a class at Studio Fit, or running with a friend, or an appointment with a personal trainer. Hold yourself accountable. Take care of yourself. You deserve it.
Today, one of the instructors at the Studio (Sheri) shared a great quote with me:
"You have two options: You either make progress or you make excuses
Let's all make progress - let's never let the Theory of Reversibility rear it's ugly head again - and let's make time for and take care of ourselves!!!!!
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