Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Do I HAVE to do yoga?

Well, technically you don't HAVE to do yoga - but you do NEED to do some sort of stretching exercise for 10-15 minutes a day 3-5 times a week!  : )

I'm not one for telling people what they need to do unless I follow it up with WHY they need to do it.  So here's the why!

When you use your muscles in activities such as aerobic exercise and weight training, they can shorten.  Short, tight muscles can lead to injury - not to mention pain and discomfort! Stretching helps keep these muscles elongated and can help them recover from or prevent injury. 

For example, you may have felt a tightness in your hamstrings or gluteus after Zumba class or another "aerobic" type class.  You may even feel this tightness all the way down your thigh or just a general soreness.  This is often referred to as DOMS - or delayed onset muscle soreness.  By properly stretching the muscles during and after such activity, you can not only elongate muscles, but also promote muscle healing and encourage flexibility.  Stretching also keeps the circulatory system active and helps remove toxins and fat from the body!  Yes, I said FAT!  Stretching IS exercise!  Studies have concluded that your average 150 lb person can burn 200-400 calories in a yoga class. 

 And how about this:  "In a survey of over 15,000 participants, researchers found that people who participated in a minimum of one 30 minute yoga session once a week either maintained or lost weight over a 10 year time frame. Those who did not regularly practice yoga gained about an average of 14 pounds over the same 10 years. Researchers concluded that while yoga did not likely create a huge calorie deficit in practitioners, it did help them become more aware of their food choices and feelings of satiation." (

So where does Yoga fit in?  Well, normally, we stretch for about 5-10 minutes at the end of our classes.  But that really does not give you enough stretching to promote healthy, long, strong, flexible muscles.  Adding 1-2 yoga classes a week will do just that!

With all the wonderful benefits of yoga, stretching is right on top of the list.  During a yoga class, you work through a series of poses that safely stretch your muscles. This may release the lactic acid that builds up with muscle use, which may cause stiffness, tension, pain, and fatigue (or DOMS).   This, combined with the benefit of joint flexibility,  leaves you with a sense of ease and fluidity throughout your body.

Yoga stretches not only your muscles but all of the soft tissues of your body. That includes ligaments, tendons, and the fascia sheath that surrounds your muscles. And no matter your level of yoga, you most likely will see benefits in a very short period of time.  Some people (myself included) can feel results DURING a class - having a very limited range of motion and ability to stretch at the start of the class, and a much greater level at the end of the hour!  

So next time you are setting your exercise and class schedule for the week, consider a yoga class or two!  We have yoga 3 times per week at Studio Fit!  Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm and Saturday mornings at 9:30am!  See you in yoga class!

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