We all love a great cup of coffee, specialty tea or frothy icy drink. But what we don't love, is countless hours of working out and sweating - only to experience dismal, if any, results.
One of the little viruses that gets in the way of your fitness/nutrition results - Starbucks. Now I love a Grande Soy Chai as much as the next guy - but what I don't love, is the nutritional sacrifice I'm making when I partake in this little treat.
How to consume almost an entire day's worth of calories in a single 15 minute visit to Starbucks:
"Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get started for you today?"
"I'd like a Venti Java Chip Frappuccino - hold the whip - and a Rasberry Scone."
"So that's a Venti Java Chip Frappuccino - with 460 calories, 90 of them from fat, 10 g of fat, 90 g of carbs, 84 g of sugar and 15 mg of cholesterol, plus a Rasberry Scone with 500 calories (yes, 500) 26 g of fat, 65 mg of cholesterol, 59 g of carbs, and 18 g of sugar?"
".....uh, no thanks - I'll just have a tall cup of coffee!"
Yes, those are actual numbers. Wouldn't it change the way you ordered if they repeated back to you the nutritional breakdown of your order? The order above is a total of 960 calories, 36 g of fat, 149 g of carbs, 102 g of sugar - over 80 mg of cholesterol! And you would probably be full for about 1.5 hours after eating and drinking that - only to find yourself hungry and craving more carbs!
There are "good" choices to be made at Starbucks - and you can still "indulge" without sacrificing your health. Note - I recommend staying away from the "add-ons" - see below for a nutritional breakdown of what those little "extra pumps" do to the nutrition in your drink! Here are some suggestions for the next time you meet your friends, a business partner, or customer for a little "coffee and snack"!
Coffee - Starbucks coffe - just plain - is only 5 calories- and a little sodium (5-10 mg/cup). You can have any size! : ) Remember though, when drinking caffeine, increase your water intake for the day!
Tea - Any of the tea make plain - just the tea - no "latte" - is calorie free! Knock yourself out! : ) But when you make it a "latte" - you will add 100-300 calories.
Tall Caffe Latte with Skim Milk - this little treat is only 100 calories, 15 g carbs, 10 g protein, and no fat.
Like Cappuccino? Order a Venti (yep, the big one!) with Skim Milk and it's only 110 calories! No fat, 16 g carbs, 10 g protein.
So how about those Chai Tea Latte's I love? - here's how to order them.......Tall non-fat - only 160 calories, 34 g carbs, 6 g protein. Starbucks uses a Chai syrup - so there's no way around those carbs! If you really love Chai Tea - buy yourself some tea bags and brew it at home! : )
Carmel Macchiato - one of my favorites on cold and stormy days.....Order a tall with non-fat milk, only 140 calories, 1 g of fat, 25 g of carbs.
ADD-ON's - what to avoid
Sweetened Whipped Cream - In a hot grande/venti drink - additional 70 calories, 7 g of fat (4.5 saturated), in a cold grande/venti drink - additional 110 calories, 11 g of fat (7 saturated)
Flavored Syrup - each pump gives you 20 more calories and 5 g of carbs
Mocha syrup - one pump will yield 25 calories and 6 g of carbs
YUMMIES - what to eat?
There aren't many treats at Starbucks that could be considered really great nutritionally - however, if you needing food when you get there, I do like their protein boxes. Although a little heavy in the carb department, save one of the carbs for later - like the grapes. Here's what to steer clear of:
Double Chocolate Brownie - that just sounds sinful, doesn't it? Well it is! Packing a whopping 410 calories in one of those little guys, it also has 24 g of fat and 46 g of carbs - talk about a blood sugar spike!
The Rasberry Scone - how can something so healthy sounding be so unhealthy? It has 500 calories, 26 g of fat (15 of them saturated!) and 59 g of carbs!
Another "healthy" sounding treat, Banana Walnut Bread - 490 calories! 19 g of fat, 75 g of carbs!
Watching your sodium intake? (which all of us should) - The Iced Lemon Pound Cake not only has 490 calories and 23 g of fat - but it packs a whopping 520 mg of sodium!!!!! (recommended 1500 mg or less per day!) By the way, that Rasberry Scone has 650 mg of sodium!
Another sodium filled treat - the Classic Coffee Cake - 560 mg of sodium (not to mention the 440 calories and 19 g of fat.)
It's not about turning down those requests to go meet and mingle at Starbucks - it's about making good choices when you are there! You can still have an ice treat without consuming a meal or two, or three worth of calories, fat, sodium, etc. For more info on the nutrition information for the products found at Starbucks, visit www.starbucks.com/menu.